Design is all about look and feel, and we at RAYZE designs pride ourselves on knowing that sometimes, it's all about simplicity, and at others its important to be confident enough to bring together complex elements and yet stay focused.
Enjoying what you do and getting paid to do it as well is the previliage of not many professionals, for us Interiors and Retail design concepts turnkey projects make us go whoa!
Developing all you need to get your business online, from a dynamic interactive website, and everything else in-between..leave it to us.
Bespoke, Exactly what it means- each project for us is unique and developed from scratch, from the first bit of notes with the client, to brain storming until you are satisfied...and then some.!
Webdesigner is an extension that can be added on to the Cloudepi cart to enable clients to tale control of their entire webdesign, and is a user manageable back end system developed for easy use, by any level of user. This unique easy to use webdesigner is a quick and easy way to have a great looking website up and running in a few hours.
Ecommerce is an extremely important component of any business, and Epicart from Cloudepi is a shopping cart that plugs in to your system to allow you to control your online shopping cart from one source point. Intergration of inventory control, order processing, shipping and payment gateway, give the user flexable control over their online shopping platform
The life blood of any retail operations is regular replenishment of inventory on a daily basis, with Cloudepi you can ensure you never loose a sale because your inventory is not in the right place. Daily sales, can be converted to purchase request and processed effectively by the system with the administator control determining the desired quantities.